Massage foundations honored.
Massage possibilities explored.
Massage community elevated.
The basics matter. When we think about where the challenges lie in our practice, certainly we celebrate those clients whose conditions stretch our fabric, who present us with cases in which we really learn. However, our mistakes and oversights typically surround the foundational concepts of our work. If our foundation is unstable, then everything above that struggles to be supported.
At Cerebral Vortex Education we look at our foundational education, honor where it came from, verify the validity and integrity, and take it to the next level. Practical training for immediate implementation, encouraging a habit of joyful learning. Let’s foster our curiosity together. Let’s explore why we are doing what we’re doing and let’s ask ourselves, “How can we make it more fantastic?”
Cerebral Vortex Education: Massage Your Gray Matter

Popular Courses

Elements of a Lesson Plan

Engage Deeply – Accuracy, Not Force

What a Pain in the Neck!

Pregnancy is not Pathology
Experienced Teachers
Adrienne Asta
Adrienne Asta is the owner and founder of Cerebral Vortex Education and has been practicing…
Katie Phill
Katie Phill is passionate about helping and connecting with people which is evident in her…
Erikka Miller
Erikka Miller has a degree in education with over 10 years of experience in public…
Latest Blogs
Outcomes are about the client. Modalities are about the therapist.
As I approach two decades in my career there is one thing that I am…